Vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion

This seems to sync up with the mechanics for Chimerstry (a 2-dot Obfuscate/Presence amalgam) and Fata Morgana (a 3-dot Obfuscate/Presence amalgam). The non-existence of Chimerstry as a distinct Discipline was expected, given that clan-specific Disciplines aren’t a thing in V5, but the Ravnos also drop Fortitude in favor of Obfuscate.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion

Ravnos Discipline Powers – The Ravnos Disciplines are Animalism, Obfuscate, and Presence. Their clan compulsion is “tempting fate” – the next time they need to solve a problem, they need to choose the most daring or dangerous way of addressing it (personally, I am compelled to wonder if the tabletop would be more interesting if everyone always had this in effect). The clan’s bane is “doomed” – they cannot sleep in the same place twice in a week, and so must maintain either a mobile haven or a series of static ones. The clan concept now is presented as simply nomadic tricksters, without that cultural baggage. Ravnos – Gone, at least in the limited material here, are the ethnic associations and vice-based clan weakness that made the Ravnos problematic in prior editions of Vampire. For example, there’s a specific reference to a Nosferatu using the Vicissitude amalgam power.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion

Note that, although I refer to things like “Tzimisce Discipline powers” below, this is a lore reference, not a mechanical one. It also contains rules “coterie merits,” for playing as human or ghoul characters, and a bit of errata.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion

The 65-page V5 Companion is most notable for adding two vampire clans (Ravnos and Tzimisce) back into the game, along with the Salubri bloodline, plus relevant Discipline powers (but not new Disciplines). After another round of corporate licensing shuffle, Paradox has brought World of Darkness tabletop roleplaying games back in house, and the first product of that is the V5 Companion, available as a free download on.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines companion